Our Founders
Thank you to the amazing women below who worked together to create High-Tech High Heels in 2001 to address the challenges they faced as women in STEM.
Susan (Sue) Alberti
Cindy Allen
Karla Barber
Ember Bennett Hogan
Shaunna Black
Elizabeth (Beth) Bull
Lisa Byrd
Mary McDermott Cook
Engibous Family Foundation
(Wendy Engibous)
Julie England
Marla Finco
Wanda Gass
Cynthia (Cindy) Grimm
Brenda Harrison
Mary Helmick
Diana Johnson Hightower
Lisa Knipe
Melendy Lovett
Elisabeth Marley
Gray Mayes
McDermott Foundation (Margaret McDermott, deceased)
Elizabeth (Liz) Moyer
Mary Ann Murphy
Marcia Page
Carol Primdahl
Tegwin Pulley
Tamela (Tammy) Richards
Jane Schoen
Judy Shaw
Linda Smittle
Delena Spencer
Mary Templeton
Teresa (Terri) West